What Bitcoin Did and How It Changed the World

For more than a decade, Bitcoin has been the world's first true cryptocurrency. With What Bitcoin Did podcast host Peter McCormack interviews experts in the world of Bitcoin to provide listeners with an understanding of what is happening in the world.

What Bitcoin Did and How It Changed the World

For more than a decade, Bitcoin has been the world's first true cryptocurrency, surviving against many challenges. With What Bitcoin Did, podcast host Peter McCormack interviews experts in the world of Bitcoin to provide listeners with an understanding of what is happening in the world of Bitcoin. From developers to investors, journalists and CEOs of Bitcoin companies, you'll learn about Bitcoin trading, strategy, business, mining and more. In one interview, Peter discussed the ideological differences between Bitcoin and altcoins with Erik Voorhees and Alex Gladstein.

Maximalists tend to believe that altcoins are inferior iterations of Bitcoin that involve compromise, usually greater centralization in favor of greater transaction capacity. The economic conditions for bitcoin to become a recognized international reserve asset similar to gold are upon us. Peter will continue to lead the way in world education, but it is a personal responsibility to take a stand on Bitcoin. We discuss price forecasts, El Salvador's “Bitcoin bond”, political attacks on Bitcoin, macro-events, and comparisons with Ethereum.

The Lightning Network is critical to Bitcoin's scaling, and it's growing at a rapid pace. However, it can remain an overwhelming experience for new users. Last month has been no exception, culminating in the announcement by Nayib Bukele, president of El Salvador, of his country's “Bitcoin Bond”. Michael Saylor helped change the way institutions approach bitcoin, and a bunch of other companies followed in his footsteps.

Compass Mining recognized this fragility but also saw a business opportunity by being able to become a recognized and reliable enabler of retail mining. Their mission is “supporting decentralized hashrate growth and strengthening network security by helping more people learn, explore and mine bitcoins.”.

Edmund Elsensohn
Edmund Elsensohn

Hardcore tea nerd. Evil zombie buff. Avid social media lover. Unapologetic twitter enthusiast. Total tv advocate.

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